Angin Keturunan documents a ritual ‘semah angin’ performance by a seven-generation Mak Yong community, Kumpulan Mak Yong Cahaya Matahari, in Kuala Besut, Terengganu.
Documentary, Cultural, Ritual, South East Asian
Angin Keturunan documents a ritual ‘semah angin’ performance by a seven-generation Mak Yong community, Kumpulan Mak Yong Cahaya Matahari, in Kuala Besut, Terengganu.
Film directed by Aidyl Abadi and Persona Theory. PUSAKA’s Mak Yong Project was supported by MARI, in partnership with the US Embassy KL and USAID.
Ancestral Winds
Lucky and humbled to have the opportunity to observe and film Mekti and Rohana’s ethereal performances.
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